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March 26, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes March 26, 2014 7:05pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Committee Members Present:

Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
Dag Olsen
John Kowaleski

Two members of Millennium Design and two members of Wired West attended


  • Approve 3/19 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Wired West Discussion – with members David Epstein and Jim Drawe.
  • Co-op with 42 member towns, all became MLPs.  
  • Active involvement in lobbying for IT Bond Bill funds.
  • Creating bond offering that municipalities can use for last-mile builds.
  • Packaging bonds from multiple towns together into an aggregate bond.
  • Estimate for entire Wired West project of 45 towns of $100M.  Approximately $50M of which may come from IT bond bill
  • Language of MBI rules may be changing to allow MBI to grant funds without requiring ownership in capital investments.  Bill before Senate to modify their bylaws.
  • Wired West is considering using a Chapter 44A 20-year bond.
  • Model requires a 40% take rate in towns to back the bond.
  • 28K houses in the 45-town group.
  • Wired West co-op owns and operates the assets, contracts or creates the service provider for the network.
  • Wired West believes IT bond bill will be issued on or prior to June 30.
  • Forms/procedures for Wired West membership are on the wired west website.
  • May/June EOI proposals with 60 day window.
  • Update on Millennium / Negotiations.  Ron Cassel, CEO of Millennium gave details on some of their recent builds:
  • Valley net in Vermont -  23 towns, 1400 miles
  • $36,000/mile
  • 89% take rate
  • Subscriber $103/month double-play includes service and depreciation
  • Built three years ago
  • Update from Stan on preliminary responses from town attorney regarding CATV licensing process and other matters:  
  • Validity of Matrix application – counsel opinion was it is not a valid CATV application.   
  • Whether IPTV service constitutes a CATV franchise - Counsel opinion is that IPTV is considered a CATV franchise, except possibly if there is no cable channel service.  
  • Can we negotiate procurement using GSA Schedule 70 - Counsel provided legal requirements, including putting out RFQ, notifying state authorities, etc. and also noted the use of the process is unprecedented in town.
  • Broadband Committee voted to recommend to BOS not to extend the CATV process.  Unanimously Approved.
  • Chris Lynch suggested that IPTV portion of the Millennium proposal could be removed and the funding for it could be applied to make-ready work.
  • Discussion on sharing legal costs of required paperwork with Wired West
  • Planning for Demo – vote to table to next meeting.  Unanimously Approved.
  • Planning for Town Meeting – vote to table to next meeting. Unanimously Approved.

Action Items

  • Stan working on finalizing the ISP contracts for CAIs
  • Set up future meeting with MBI. (Steve)
Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Draft ATM articles
  • Discussion/Vote on Wired West membership
  • Planning for Demo at Library
  • Planning for Town Meeting
Meeting adjourned 9:36 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig